For your convenience, we have 3 different ways of booking appointments:
Physician appointments are available via booking online or by calling our admin. Appointments are released each Monday for the week, beginning mid-March 2025. If you do not see a booking option, there are no appointments left for that week.
Note that these appointments also get filled up quickly. With the expanded scope of pharmacist practice, we encourage you to book with a pharmacist if a physician is unavailable.
Please be sure to visit this website to see if a pharmacist is the correct provider for you!
Monday to Friday
Strep testing, vaccines/injections, minor ailment prescribing, chronic disease management, med reviews with Rx refills, Bloom (mental health program), and more! Book online or by
calling our admin at 902-942-1700(2).
$25 fee may apply
Pharmacists are unable to request bloodwork or diagnostic imaging, or issue specialist referrals.
Tuesday afternoons
Pre-booked appointments available by booking online or calling our admin at 902-942-1700(2). Next-day appointments are booked on a first come, first serve basis, beginning the Monday prior. First time patients should book with our clinical pharmacist to create charts/medical histories for doctors.
Social Worker: Fridays
Occupational Therapist: Mondays
Your mental health matters! Book by calling our clinic admin at 902-942-1700(2).
Proper diet is critical for best overall health, particularly if you have diabetes.
Book online or by calling our admin at 902-942-1700(2).
Do you have diabetes? Or need help
maintaining healthy feet?
Book online or by calling our admin at